A Couple of PFAS Items (June 2, 2023)

A couple of PFAS items that may be of interest:

Public Comment Period Closed for Proposed PFAS MCLs
The proposed MCLs for PFOA and PFOS, and the proposed Hazard Index MCL for four additional PFAS were published in the March 29, 2023 Federal Register for public review and comment. Public comment period closed on May 30, 2023. EPA’s goal is to public final MCLs by the end of 2023. In the public docket at the moment there are 275 public comments submitted on the proposal (it is expected that that number will increase as the public docket is updated).

Link to copy of American Water Works Association public comments on proposed PFAS MCLs:

Click to access AWWA-Comments-on-Proposed-NPDWR-for-PFAS-excl-Appendix-E.pdf

AWWA PFAS Public Comments

PFAS Manufactures and Public Health Information
The Journal “Annals of Global Health” published an article on PFAS titled “The Devil they Knew: Chemical Documents Analysis of Industry Influence on PFAS Science.” In the results section of the article abstract the authors state: “Our review of industry documents shows that companies knew PFAS was “highly toxic when inhaled and moderately toxic when ingested” by 1970, forty years before the public health community.” Link to Annals of Global Health article:
Annals of Global Health