July 2020, the California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Division of Drinking Water (DDW) released the enclosed Annual Compliance Report for 2019 and accompanying database (acr_2019_dataset DDW Annual Compliance_2019). Copied below is text taken from the Executive Summary.
“This report also presents an accounting of violations of state-regulated chemicals and other state SDWA requirements that are recorded by DDW; these are summarized separately in the report as required by USEPA guidelines. The discussion, figures and summaries provided herein refer to the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations unless stated otherwise.”
“In 2019, a total of 2,309 violations of the National Primary Drinking Water Regulations were incurred by public water systems. Of these violations, 1,126 were MCL/TT violations and 1,183 were M/R violations.”
“Inorganic contaminant MCL exceedances accounted for the largest number of violations. Nitrate and arsenic MCL violations were the major contributors to the high number of IOC MCL violations. Of the monitoring and reporting violations, more than 71% were due to noncompliance with the Lead and Copper Rule or the Revised Total Coliform Rule monitoring requirements.”
“PWS incurred the largest number of MCL/TT violations for inorganic contaminants, followed by violations of standards for DBPR, radionuclides, and SWTR. They incurred the largest number of monitoring/reporting violations for Lead and Copper Rule and the Total Coliform Rule.”
“About 94% of the MCL/TT violations were incurred by CWS that serve fewer than 500 service connections, nontransient noncommunity water systems (NTNC) such as schools, or transient noncommunity water systems (TNC) such as campgrounds.”