California Expert Panel On DPR

The California State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) posted information on how to view (or provide public comments) during the DPR Expert Panel meetings on August 24-25, 2021.

You can find that information on the following website:

Agenda for the meeting is here (epmtg1agenda).

Background Expert Panel Review of DPR Criteria.  AB 574, signed into law in October 2017, required that the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) adopt uniform criteria for Direct Potable Reuse (DPR) by December 31, 2023.  The bill required that before adopting the criteria, the SWRCB submit the criteria to an expert panel for review.   The SWRCB has convened an expert panel that will meet August 24-25, 2021.  Additional background information is available at the following SWRCB web site: