On March 21, 2023, the California Division of Drinking Water will present an informational item to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) on a revised NL and RL for manganese.
The current manganese NL and RL are 500 µg/L and 5,000 µg/L, respectively. The revised NL and RL will be 20 µg/L and 200 µg/L. Manganese has a secondary Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 50 µg/L.
EPA Requests Nomination for NDWAC
In the March 13, 2023 Federal Register the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting nominations for the National Drinking Water Advisory Council (NDWAC).
Text copied from the Federal Register notice:
“The 15-member Council was established by the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) to provide independent advice, consultation, and recommendations to the EPA Administrator on matters relating to activities, functions, policies, and regulations under the SDWA. This notice solicits nominations to fill anticipated vacancies in 2023 with three-year appointments from December 2023 through December 2026.”
“Five members are from the general public; five are from appropriate state and local agencies concerned with water hygiene and public water supply; and five are from representatives of private organizations or groups demonstrating an active interest in the field of water hygiene and public water supply, of which two such members shall be associated with small, rural public water systems.”
Nominations are due by April 12, 2023.