On September 17th and September 23rd, EPA will hold one-hour webinars on Lead and Copper Rule (LCR) topics. The September 17th webinar will address “Sample Site Selection.” The September 23rd webinar will address “Developing Sample Pools.” Both webinars are scheduled from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm, EDT. Flyers for both webinars are here (EPA Webinar_Sample-Site-Selection_2020-09-17 EPA Webinar_Sampling-Pools_2020-09-23).
EPA’s description of the September 17th webinar: “The webinar will discuss some general steps water systems can take to ensure robust site selection by focusing on how to identify sites with lead service liens, lead plumbing, and/or copper plumbing with lead solder, as well as methods to verify sites in the field.”
Link to register for the September 17th webinar;
EPA’s description of the September 23rd webinar: “The webinar will discuss developing proper sampling pools in terms of quantity, quality and accuracy by conducting robust materials inventories with periodic updates to both the inventory and sample pool.”
Link to register for the September 23rd webinar: