In March 2019, the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water (DDW) sent out Orders to public water systems identifying specific “vulnerable” wells for PFAS monitoring (over 600 wells were identified). The vulnerable wells were to be monitored for PFAS for four quarters. Last October DDW posted the results from the first quarter (April 1st to June 30th). DDW has just released the results from the second quarter (July 1st to September 30th) of PFAS monitoring.
To find this information, go to the location below:
Then select the “Drinking Water” link from the menu in the middle of the page, and then open up “New! Public Water System Testing Results.” DDW posted instructions along with several interactive maps and charts presenting the PFAS results.
DDW also posted the enclosed excel file (CA_pfas_monitoring_1st and 2nd qtr results ). The first and second quarter results are presented in two separate worksheets.