DDW Sets Response Levels for PFOA and PFOS
Today (February 6, 2020), the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Division of Drinking Water (DDW) issued a Press Release (pfoa_pfos_RLs_2020-02-06) (regarding new Response Levels (RL) for PFOA and PFOS.
The RL for PFOA is set at 10 parts per trillion (ppt)
The RL for PFOS is set at 40 ppt.
[Previously the RL was set at 70 ppt for the combination of both PFOA and PFOS.]
AB 756 and PFAS Public Notification
Also today, DDW issued a Fact Sheet (pfas_ab756_factsheet ) regarding AB756. AB756 was signed into law in July 2019. Under AB756, if a public water system is required to monitor for PFAS by DDW and has a “confirmed detection” the utility “….shall report that detection in the water system’s annual consumer confidence report.”
If the concentration exceeds the RL the public water system must either take the source out of use, provide treatment or blending…or provide direct public notification. DDW’s enclosed AB756 Fact Sheet indicates that to determine whether monitoring shows an exceedance of an RL, the water system must calculate a quarterly running annual average (QRAA). If the QRAA exceeds the RL, and the source continues to be in service, AB756 requires the direct public notification presented below:
- Mail or directly deliver notice to each customer receiving a bill, including those that provide drinking water to others, and to other service connections to which water is delivered by the water system.
- Email notice to each customer of the water system with an email address known by the water system.
- Post the notice on the internet website of the water system.
- Use one or more of the following methods to reach persons not likely to be reached by the notice provided in clause (i):
- Publish notice in a local newspaper for at least seven days.
- Post notice in conspicuous public places served by the water system for at least seven days.
- Post notice on an appropriate social media site for at least seven days.
- Deliver notice to community organizations.