In the October 28, 2012 Federal Register (Fed Reg_EPA Draft Strategy Reduce Pb Exposures_2021-10-28) the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting public comment on its draft “Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in US Communities” (EPA Draft Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures_Oct 2021). Public comments are due by January 26, 2022.
The draft covers lead exposures through a number of different media. Copied below is text from the section focused just on lead in drinking water. Note, lead in drinking water is mentioned in conjunction with other sources of exposure in several sections in the document.
“This draft Lead Strategy will be updated to include anticipated direction from the Biden-Harris Administration on addressing lead in drinking water in communities. The EPA’s actions will include loans and grants to states, tribes, and other units of government to upgrade water systems and remove lead service lines, as well as funding to states, territories, and tribal consortia to support training and technical assistance for schools and childcare programs to train staff and test drinking water for lead. EPA will prioritize communities with the highest lead levels and those with environmental justice concerns. Finally, EPA is reviewing the 2020 Lead and Copper Rule Revision (LCRR) to assess whether the rule’s requirements are consistent with the Administration’s policy priorities. The EPA has conducted extensive stakeholder engagement, including listening sessions with the communities most affected by lead pollution, and expects to announce the results of its LCRR review prior to the rule’s effective date of December 16, 2021. As the legislative package is finalized, EPA will provide additional details on implementation and update the lead strategy to provide opportunity for public comment.”