On July 28, 2022, from 1:00 to 2:30 pm (ET) the National Academies of Science, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) will present a webinar “Guidance on PFAS Exposure, Testing, and Clinical Follow-up Report Public Briefing.”
Link to register:
NASEM’s posted description of the webinar:
“Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are chemicals with almost ubiquitous exposure in the United States—leading to concerns about who should be tested for exposure to PFAS and then if testing occurs, how those results should inform clinical care. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences have sponsored a study that will provide advice for clinicians about PFAS testing, such as when to test, whom to test, how to test, what to test for, and the risks of testing.
“This briefing will allow the public to share their thoughts on our report and ask questions of the committee. “
NPR Story on Lead Pipes
This week National Public Radio (NPR) posted a story “Time bomb lead pipes will be removed. But first water utilities have to find them.” Link to the article: