Like many States, the California State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water has been posting information for public water systems regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. This morning they uploaded a copy of a Washington Department of Health (WA DOH) “COVID-19 Guidance for Legionella and Building Water System Closures.” The Guidance was updated April 14, 2020 and a copy is enclosed (WA DOH_BuildingWaterSystemClosuresCOVID-19).
Introductory Text from the Enclosed WA DOH Guidance
“The focus of this guidance is to reduce Legionella growth and other pathogen and corrosion concerns that occur when there is a large drop in building water use. The guidance focuses on potable water systems inside larger buildings with complex plumbing and the information is general in nature. Each building is different and will require different actions based on its plumbing systems, use patterns, and source of water supply. “
The Guidance references a second WA DOH document on shut down and restart of water recreational facilities. A copy of that document is also enclosed (WA_DOH_Water Recreation Facilities_Long Shutdownspdf). That Guidance is dated March 2020.