EPA Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures

On October 28, 2021 the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published for public comment a draft “Strategy to Reduce Lead Exposures and Disparities in US Communities.” Public comments were due by January 26, 2022.

The Strategy covers lead exposures through a number of different media. The main discussion on lead in drinking water begins in the middle of page 21 (lead in drinking water is mentioned in conjunction with other sources of exposure in several sections in the document).

In the drinking water discussion, EPA indicates their intent to publish the proposed Lead and Copper Rule Improvements (LCRI) by the “end of 2023” and “take final action” on the LCRI by October 2024. When EPA published the announcement regarding the final Lead and Copper Rule Revisions (LCRR) in December 2021, the Agency indicated that just about all of facets (with the exception of the requirement to prepare a lead service line inventory by October 16, 2024) of the LCRR are under review and could potentially be revised in the LCRI.

Link to EPA website where Strategy document is posted: