On October 26th, from 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm (ET) EPA will host a one hour webinar “Identifying lead service lines in the community.”
Link to register:
EPA’s description of the what will be covered: “Legacy lead service lines (LSLs) represent the greatest source of lead in drinking water. LSL identification is the first step to their removal, which is a national priority. This webinar will provide an overview of methods that have been used for LSL identification, including records screening, basic visual examination, water sampling, excavation and others. It will offer a qualitative comparison of method cost, duration, accuracy, disturbance and other impacts, as well as an example stepwise approach to identify unknown service line materials. Considering the pros/cons of each step and the variable needs/constraints of different drinking water utilities, this suggested stepwise approach can serve as a starting or refinement point for different stages of service line inventory efforts.”