Update on CrVI Non-Cancer Health Effects.
On January 31, 2024, for public review and comment, the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) Division of Drinking Water (DDW) posted an updated OEHHA review of hexavalent chromium (CrVI) non-cancer health effects. Written comments are due February 19, 2024. A copy of DDW’s announcement and a copy of the OEHHA non-cancer health effects report are enclosed (notice-3cr6-mcl-013124_revisedcr6noncancerupdate112123). Note: When OEHHA reviews health effects for constituents it considers to be a carcinogen, OEHHA will determine values (“Health Protective Concentration” or HPC) for both cancer and noncancer endpoints. OEHHA will use the lower of the two values to set the Public Health Goal (PHG). In the enclosed document, the proposed HPC for noncancer health effects is proposed at 5 parts per billion (ppb). Previously OEHHA had proposed a non-cancer HPC value of 2 ppb for CrVI. OEHHA set the PHG for CrVI at 0.02 ppb (based on cancer endpoint). On June 16, 2023, DDW proposed the CrVI at 10 ppb.
Also, in response to public comments received on the proposed MCL, DDW conducted an analysis of system consolidation and blending to comply with the proposed CrVI MCL. A description of DDW’s analysis is also enclosed.
Update on two Federal Regulations regarding PFAS: (1) on December 15, 2023, EPA submitted the final PFAS MCLs to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review, (2) on December 6, 2023, EPA submitted the proposal to designate PFOA and PFOS as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund) to OMB for review. As of this morning, both of these regulations are still undergoing review at OMB.